Lennette Deal

Connect with Lennette:
“My first call is to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind and to be a Godly Wife, Mother, and Grandmother. I found a real and living God at the age of 6 years old at Vacation Bible School and I never walked away from my love for Him”.
My Vision and Call:
To call forth and train the army of children and youth across this nation and abroad who are determined to serve the Lord Jesus Christ no matter what their situation. God has called me to do this through the use of artistic expressions, especially in the form of the performing arts such as dance, acting, human videos, mime, puppetry, and so much more. God has always surrounded me with amazing teachers to draw from as well as my own anointing to teach and train in the Word and leadership.
• SWAT Vision:
The Visionary and Author of the SWAT Vision and Discipleship Program. SWAT stands for Student With a Testimony! The basic SWAT vision is simple…to teach children and young people who love the Lord how to give a personal testimony in order to share the hope Jesus has placed within them with the lost and encourage those who do love him already. The Discipleship program is another option for groups that would like to go deeper in developing serious lovers of Jesus who shine as leaders among their children and youth.
Lennette’s Availability for Ministry:
• Introduction to the SWAT Vision – I will personally come and spark a flame in your children and youth or your leadership team regarding this program
• It’s Alive Clinics – Training on how to bring the Word of God alive for your kids and youth. This training is for the children and youth themselves who are arising as leaders among their peers, as well as adult teachers
• Summer Camps – Themed Summer Camps for kids ages 6 to 12 full of fun with games, characters, worship and the Word of God! Limited availability.