“It’s Alive” Clinics
One of our mottos at RealDeal Ministries is “it is a sin to bore anyone with the gospel, especially kids!” The “It’s ALIVE” Clinics teach your adult, youth, and child leaders how to bring the Word of God alive in a classroom, outreach, and evangelistic setting. When we say youth and child leaders, we mean the children and youth themselves arising as leaders. This clinic includes people from 8 years old and up! It is usually quite evident who is rising up as a leader in your classroom or organization. If you, as a teacher or leader, begin to use these young people in ministry TODAY, letting them know that they are vital to the Kingdom of God NOW, they will usually remain in relationship with the Lord. You will never be short workers in your classrooms again if you will start to use them NOW.
Everyone will have the opportunity to experience different tools that help to bring the Word of God Alive in your ministry to children. You do not have to be an expert in any of these arenas, we are just asking you to try it out and spread the word that Jesus is absolutely FUN!